The American Chancellor wishes to grant citizenship on the ability to look after family relationships


    US President Trump said he would announce a new system of citizenship for talented people, without having to give citizenship (green card) based on family ties to foreigners. Residents of the United States are granted citizenship of 11 lakhs annually. 66% of citizenship is provided based on close family relationships. Citizenship is granted only 12% The Chancellor Trump administration has decided to change this method. Chancellor Trump says that more than 50 percent of green cards should be given on the basis of work and skill. If this method is implemented, many Indians who work for more than 10 years in the US at H1P visa are likely to get a green card soon.

   Trump's nephew, Jr. Kouchner has focused on plans to strengthen America's border security, redefine talents, masters degree, and replacement of green card issuance that can be easily accessed to American citizens. There are different opinions between US parliamentary MPs in the Citizenship Reform Policy. So it is said that this project is a hard task. In this case, his Republican MPs can convince the Chancellor Trump. But the opposition led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi is against Trump's citizenship policy. The Trump administration is planning a major issue in the 2020 presidential election


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