Sri Lanka is back tension ... Social sites are freezing through bilateral conflict

   Sri Lanka's government has crippled some of its social networks after the violence erupted in Sri Lanka. Social networks have been frozen following the attack by some people on the mosque in the Chalaw area near Colombo. In the last Easter Day in Sri Lanka, 3 churches and 3 star hotels in total 8 were killed in the bombing of 250 people. There is a hatred among Christians in Sri Lanka since the incident.

   It also occasionally collapses in conflict. There was a clash between Muslims and Christians in the Negombo area some days ago. In the meanwhile, there was a clash between the two sides in Sri Lanka, a small town in Chile yesterday. There are more Christians here. The conflict began because a Christian woman was threatened with a Muslim's shop. In this, a mosque and five shops of Muslims were attacked. This morning, in the city of Chilaw, the court order has been issued and the security has been strengthened. The Sri Lankan government has crippled some social networks such as Facebook and Vats Off to prevent rumors spreading


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