Ellen Musk's revolutionary technology that controls anything through the brain!

Ellen Musk, CEO of Tesla and Space X, has been involved in various activities. One of these is the company Neuralink, which he founded.

Their aim was to create an interface that humans could communicate directly with computers. It seems that the company may have succeeded in this effort

Brain-Computer Interface

Last Sunday, Mask hinted at the announcement of a potential future announcement about the brain-computer interface. Summarized briefly as soon as he answers a question raised on Twitter that there is any new information regarding neuralink


Earlier Mask Neurlagung described the work as a 'direct anatomical interface'. The idea that humans input and output devices of a computer's processing power to receive, instead of our brain and the computer's ceyalikalitaiye the gap to connect directly to a device to be better mutiyumitanmulam our own brains of the computer's computational power source further expanded, for ourselves and our advanced versions marritamutiyu An


It is not clear whether Neurlink will do some sort of transhumanist revolution or want to be a new kind of commercial device. All the research of the company is still kept in a stealth. The only outcome we have seen so far is only a report from five different researchers who wrote with Neurolinks, an unpublished scientific research article


The paper describes the examination of a needle-like device that mimics the flexible polymer electrodes that are capable of reading and understanding brain brain signals. Of course, even if it knows how to do it properly, it may take many years to experiment with humans


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