நோக்கியா போன்களை சேகரிக்கும் "மிஸ்டர் நோக்கியா".!

Jaish Kale, a native of Thane in Maharashtra, has put his hands on Nokia phones.

Everyone is called Mr Nokia.

1200 different Nokia model phones

Nokia has started collecting Nokia phones because of his love for Nokia phones. So far, he has about 1200 different Nokia model phones.

Nokia phone collector

He has put the Nokia phones on his home in the bed half, cooking half, wardrobe, table, drawer, sofa and car

The reason is the broken Nokia phone

The Nokia phone, which he had been studying in college, fell down from the second floor. It has worked well on the back of the broken note phones

The extreme romance on Nokia

Soon afterwards, Nokia has got a lot of love for phones. Then he started searching for Nokia phones to search for. His family and wife have encouraged this

40 lakhs worth

So far, he has spent more than Rs 10 lakh to Rs 20 lakh. Currently, Nokia phones are estimated to be around 40 lakhs.

Limca Achievement Award

Limca Achievement Award has been awarded for collecting more Nokia phones in India. Jayesh Kale says he will try again for Guinness World Records


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