beware Oppo smartphone damages not only be legs but also the head of the man

In India, there are more smartphone users, as well as smartphones overwhelming explosions in India over the past few years. Likewise, an incident that has taken place has threatened everyone.

The parade exploded in the band's pocket

The youngest smartphone in Hyderabad, 28 years old, has exploded in his band's pocket. This incident has created a huge shock and fear amongst smartphone users.

MD Imran

MT Imran, a young man working as an electrician in the Alwal area. On his way to work in a bicycle yesterday, his new parody smartphone in his band's pocket was exploded.

The head and the eyes are severely injured

His smartphone was exploded, and his legs had a large number of injuries. Despite the fact that the smartphone was exploding, the stroke fell down and his head and eyes were in severe injuries.

The reason is the smartphone is hot

He was taken to the hospital immediately after the incident, and the doctors said her life had no effect. The inquiry has revealed that the smartphone he was using was too hot.

The case is registered in the consumer court

In connection with the incident, Imran has filed a lawsuit against the consumer court on a retail shop selling a smartphone and a smartphone.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is banned for smartphones

Smartphones exploding over overheat and over charging has taken place in India too. The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone has been banned. Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is the most explosive smartphone in the past few years. Now the smartphone is hot and hot, just do not stick out in the pocket! BEWARE


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